SMW Advises Alameda on Cleanup and Reuse of Two Navy Bases
In 1996 the firm begins advising the City of Alameda on site cleanup of the former Naval Air Station and Fleet & Industrial Supply Center Navy bases and on environmental permitting and historical resources for site reuse. Large mixed-use projects come to fruition in 2006 and 2014.
California Supreme Court Upholds Napa County Initiative
The firm successfully defends Napa County in a California Supreme Court case challenging Measure J, a farmland protection initiative drafted by the firm. In a ground-breaking ruling, the court holds that voters have the right to amend general plans by initiative. (DeVita v. County of Napa, 9 Cal.4th 763 (1995).)
SMW Develops Novel Approach to Protecting Open Space
In 1993 the firm helps to develop the Tri-City and County Regional Park and Open Space Group, a first-of-its-kind joint powers agency of cities and a county to protect open space in Solano County. The agency later selects the firm to be its general counsel.
Transfer of Development Rights Program in Livermore Protects Thousands of Acres of Land
In 1993 the firm begins its work with the Tri-Valley Conservancy and the City of Livermore to establish an urban growth boundary and protect thousands of acres of vineyards, olive orchards, and open space through more than 48 conservation easements and transfers of development rights.
Purchase of Property Creates Reserve Capacity for Waste Disposal
In 1992 the firm helps the Alameda County Waste Management Authority acquire land for reserve waste disposal capacity, composting, renewable energy generation, and carbon farming.
IT Corporation Must Close Its Facility in Conformance With County Regulations
The firm advises the City of Benicia on the required environmental standards for closure of the Class I hazardous waste facility adjacent to the City, and files an amicus brief in the California Supreme Court arguing, as the Court rules, that the landfill operator is subject to County regulations. (IT Corporation v. Solano County, 1 […]
Challenge to Santa Cruz County’s Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance Is Time Barred
The firm prevails in arguing that the mobile home park owner’s cause of action accrued when the County enacted the mobile home rent control ordinance, not when the ordinance was later amended or each time that a mobile home is sold to a new tenant. (De Anza Properties X v. County of Santa Cruz, 936 […]
Protected: Groundbreaking Commercial Housing Fee Upheld
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
SMW Advises Sacramento on Reuse of the Railyards
In 1990 the firm begins representing the City of Sacramento in connection with ongoing site cleanup, adoption of specific plans, relocation of streets and infrastructure for mixed-use redevelopment of the historic terminus of the Transcontinental Railroad. The firm’s work continues for twelve years.
Ninth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Takings Action Against Butte County
The firm obtains dismissal of action alleging that the County of Butte unlawfully denied developer’s proposals for obtaining sewer service. The Ninth Circuit affirms the District Court’s decision that developer’s takings claims were not ripe for adjudication and the U.S. Supreme Court denies cert. (St. Claire v. City of Chico and County of Butte, 880 […]