SMW Advises City on Alameda Landing Project – Reuse of Former Navy Base
Photo by Alameda Point Environmental Report Assisted by the firm, the City of Alameda in 2006 approves the Alameda Landing Project on the former Alameda Fleet Industrial Supply Center military base site as a walkable mixed-use, transit-accessible community with affordable housing, parks and school, and waterfront promenade.
California Supreme Court Upholds Goleta’s Denial of Subdivision Map
The firm serves as part of the legal team that obtains a ruling from the California Supreme Court upholding the discretion of a newly-formed city to deny a final subdivision map where the county had earlier granted a vesting tentative map. (City of Goleta v. Superior Court, 40 Cal.4th 270 (2006).)
New Bike Trail Created with SMW’s Assistance
With the firm’s help, the City of Pacifica in 2006 resolves neighboring landowners’ objections and closes San Pedro Terrace Road to automobile traffic — the first step toward creating an off-highway bike path linking Pacifica to points south.
Protected: Protection of Affordable Housing in San Francisco
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SMW Selected as Legal Counsel to Transbay Joint Powers Authority
In 2005 the firm is selected as legal counsel to the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA), the public agency charged with delivering a multi-modal transit hub in downtown San Francisco. The firm has been honored to serve as legal counsel to the agency for more than 15 years.
SMW Helps El Segundo Combat Adverse Airport Impacts from LAX
The firm negotiates a global settlement of a dispute over the expansion of the Los Angeles International Airport, limiting the size of the expansion, mitigating its impacts on neighbors, and assisting in the development of a long-term regional strategy to satisfy aviation demand through other airports in the Los Angeles area. (El Segundo v. Los […]
SMW’s Defense of Affordable Housing
Photo Credit: Satellite Affordable Housing Associates The firm successfully defends a challenge to an affordable housing project for low-income seniors in Berkeley. (Bowman v. City of Berkeley, 122 Cal.App.4th 572 (2004).)
Successful Defense of Transbay Transit Center
Photo credit: Sergio Ruiz, Flickr, CC BY 2.0 The firm and the San Francisco City Attorney’s office in 2005 successfully defend the Transbay Joint Powers Agency against challenges to its CEQA/NEPA compliance for the Transit Center, Downtown Rail Extension, and associated redevelopment.
Court Upholds Lake Tahoe Scenic Regulations
Representing the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the firm secures a federal court victory in a regulatory takings challenge to TRPA’s scenic regulations that apply to development on Lake Tahoe. (Committee for Reasonable Regulation of Lake Tahoe v. TRPA, 311 F.Supp.2d 972 (2004).)
Acquisition of Property for Transit Oriented Development
The firm represents the Transbay Joint Powers Agency in the acquisition of 26 properties for the Transbay Transit Center project over ten years starting in 2005, including 13 eminent domain actions.