Local Land Use Rules Upheld
The firm obtains an appellate ruling upholding the City of Morgan Hill’s land use restrictions against a claim they unconstitutionally discriminated against an individual property owner. (Arcadia v. City of Morgan Hill, 197 Cal.App.4th 1526 (2011).)
Defending the Public Purse Against Unfair Claims
On appeal, the firm secures the reversal of a potentially devastating attorneys’ fee award against the Silverado Modjeska Recreation and Parks District. (Silverado Modjeska Recreation and Parks District v. County of Orange, 197 Cal.App.4th 282 (2011).)
Quarry Transformed into Park
The firm advises the City of Saratoga in acquiring a former quarry to be redeveloped as a park subject to a conservation easement and in subsequent park planning and operations. The park opens in 2015 and in 2020 the City opens a trail providing access to Sanborn County Park and, from there, to open space […]
Firm Assists in Securing Massive Federal Funds for Public Transit Project
In 2010 the firm assists the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) in its receipt of a $400 million grant under the federal Stimulus Act and a $171 million loan from the federal government to fund construction of the new transit center.
Largest Brownfields Renewal Project in San Francisco Approved at Hunters Point
On behalf of the former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, the firm negotiates land exchange agreements with the state that will enable the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point to be developed with 300 acres of new parks and more than 12,000 housing units, over 30% of them affordable. The firm drafted the state […]
Exploratorium Project Breathes New Life Into Historic San Francisco Pier
The Exploratorium project at historic Pier 15 is approved in 2010 after the firm helps the Port of San Francisco win the support of the State Lands Commission for the project, and becomes one of the most iconic attractions in San Francisco.
Takings Challenge to Mobile Home Rent Control Defeated
The firm obtains a landmark ruling from the Ninth Circuit, en banc, rejecting constitutional challenges to Goleta’s mobile home rent control ordinance, protecting an important source of affordable housing and preventing displacement. (Guggenheim v. City of Goleta, 638 F.3d 1111 (2010).)
San Mateo County Coastal Open Space Protected
The firm advises on a master parks plan for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District’s annexation of the entire San Mateo Coast in 2004. It then successfully defends the annexation in court. (Citizens for Responsible Open Space v. San Mateo County LAFCO, 159 Cal.App.4th 717 (2008).)
Flood and Habitat Protection for the Natomas Basin
From 2008 to the present, the firm represents the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency in more than 30 eminent domain actions to acquire property for the nation’s largest flood control and habitat mitigation project in the Natomas Basin, encompassing parts of the City of Sacramento. Habitat mitigation includes the Giant Garter Snake and Swainson’s Hawk.
Roadway Realignment Project
The firm assisted the City of Alameda in the acquisition of right of way, relocation of affected property owners, roadway design, and landscaping design for the realignment and improvement of Willie Stargell Avenue.