Settlement with PG&E Will Close Last Nuclear Power Plant in California
The firm helps Friends of the Earth block PG&E’s lease extension on public lands, and negotiate the historic 2016 settlement agreement with the utility to close in 2025 the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, located on the coast in a highly active seismic area.
Legislation Passes Authorizing Mission Rock Project on Giants Parking Lot Site
In 2016 the state legislature enacts legislation (AB 2797), drafted by the firm for the Port of San Francisco, authorizing the development of the Mission Rock project on the site of a surface parking lot. The project includes 40% affordable housing and a five-acre waterfront park on China Basin Park.
Recognition for a Supreme Court Victory
SMW partner Kevin Bundy receives the California Lawyer’s Attorney of the Year (CLAY) Award for his role, while at the Center for Biological Diversity, in obtaining a decision from the California Supreme Court overturning the greenhouse gas analysis for the Newhall Ranch project in L.A. County. (Center for Biological Diversity v. Cal. Dept. of Fish […]
SMW Advises SAFCA on Local Funding Mechanisms for Flood Control
From 2007 through 2016, the firm advises the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency on the formation of assessment districts to fund the local share of flood control improvements, providing benefits to approximately 160,000 properties.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Thresholds Upheld
The firm defends the Bay Area Air Quality Management District in litigation challenging its CEQA thresholds of significance. After a ruling of the California Supreme Court, the majority of the thresholds are upheld. (California Building Industry Assn. v. BAAQMD, 62 Cal.4th 369 (2015).)
Court Overturns End-Run to Subdivision Map Act
The firm prevails in the court of appeal in a case of first impression challenging Contra Costa County’s approval of a subdivision on agricultural land adjacent to Marsh Creek State Park without Subdivision Map Act compliance. (Save Mount Diablo v. Contra Costa County, 240 Cal.App.4th 1368 (2015).)
SMW Assists Five Cities in Successful Opposition to Dangerous Freeway Extension
Photo credit: Ken Lund, Flickr In 2015 the firm represents South Pasadena and four other cities in opposing a plan by Caltrans and the L.A. Metropolitan Transportation Authority to extend the SR-710 freeway under the City of Pasadena. Thanks in large part to the firm’s critique of the environmental impact report for the project, the […]
SMW Chairs Conservation Law Forum
In 2015, firm partner Tamara Galanter begins chairing and helping organize the Conservation Law Forum for the California Council of Land Trusts.
Columbia State Historic Park Protected From Mine Expansion
In response to litigation by the firm, Tuolumne County agrees to rescind its approval of the expansion of a limestone mine near Columbia State Historic Park and to prepare an environmental impact report for the project. (Central Sierra Env’l Resource Ctr. v. Tuolumne County (2014).)
SMW Prepares Ballot Measure to Fund Open Space Protection
In 2014, voters approve a parcel tax measure sponsored by the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority and drafted by the firm.