Firm Helps Giants Ballpark Get Off the Ground
The San Francisco Giants ballpark at China Basin breaks ground in 1997 after the Port of San Francisco, with the firm’s help, successfully negotiates a design that the state finds consistent with the tidelands trust.
Port of San Francisco Adopts First Waterfront Land Use Plan
The Firm represents the Port of San Francisco in a negotiation with the State Lands Commission and BCDC that results in 1997 in adoption of the Port’s first Waterfront Land Use Plan.
Major Report Advocates a Triple Bottom Line for Sierra Communities
The firm assists the Sierra Business Council in preparing its award-winning 1997 book, Planning for Prosperity, designed to help rural Sierra communities plan wisely and effectively for their future.
Federal Court Invalidates Approval of Hatton Canyon Freeway in Monterey County
The firm prevails in a federal court challenge to the Hatton Canyon Freeway, a proposed freeway that would have devastated a large Monterey Pine forest just east of Carmel. The federal and state transportation agencies drop the project, and the land becomes a regional park. (City of Carmel-by-the-Sea v. U.S. Dept. of Transportation, 123 F.3d […]
Point Reyes Water Quality Protected
The firm assists a coalition of conservation advocates in1996 in blocking expansion of the West Marin Sanitary Landfill in Point Reyes Station, which would have degraded water quality in the area.
SMW Advises Alameda on Cleanup and Reuse of Two Navy Bases
In 1996 the firm begins advising the City of Alameda on site cleanup of the former Naval Air Station and Fleet & Industrial Supply Center Navy bases and on environmental permitting and historical resources for site reuse. Large mixed-use projects come to fruition in 2006 and 2014.
Public Health Threat Removed
In 1994 the firm represents Rodeo residents in opposing the Pacific Refinery Company’s plan to increase the output of a refinery whose emissions threaten public health. As a result of legal issues raised by the firm, the refinery eventually decides to shut down.
Transfer of Development Rights Program in Livermore Protects Thousands of Acres of Land
In 1993 the firm begins its work with the Tri-Valley Conservancy and the City of Livermore to establish an urban growth boundary and protect thousands of acres of vineyards, olive orchards, and open space through more than 48 conservation easements and transfers of development rights.
Purchase of Property Creates Reserve Capacity for Waste Disposal
In 1992 the firm helps the Alameda County Waste Management Authority acquire land for reserve waste disposal capacity, composting, renewable energy generation, and carbon farming.
IT Corporation Must Close Its Facility in Conformance With County Regulations
The firm advises the City of Benicia on the required environmental standards for closure of the Class I hazardous waste facility adjacent to the City, and files an amicus brief in the California Supreme Court arguing, as the Court rules, that the landfill operator is subject to County regulations. (IT Corporation v. Solano County, 1 […]