California Supreme Court Upholds Significant Regulation of Emissions from Paints
The California Supreme Court upholds the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s authority to adopt “technology-forcing” rules in a challenge to the District’s regulation of paints, the second largest source of smog-forming emissions after motor vehicles. Dan Selmi and firm partner Matt Zinn receive the California Lawyer Attorney of the Year (CLAY) Award for this […]
Agreement Enables Redevelopment of Naval Air Station Treasure Island
The firm negotiates an exchange agreement with the state, and helps defend a development plan, adopted by the Treasure Island Development Authority in 2012. (Citizens for a Sustainable Treasure Island v. City and County of San Francisco.) The approvals, authorized by legislation drafted by the firm (SB 1873), enable the redevelopment of Yerba Buena Island […]
Legislation Will Enable Affordable Housing on San Francisco Port Property
The state legislature in 2012 enacts legislation (AB 2649) drafted by the firm on behalf of the Port of San Francisco, paving the way for development of the 88 Broadway project, which will convert a former parking lot into 125 units of affordable housing.
Historic Settlement Saves Open Space in Solano County
In response to litigation challenging an estate subdivision in rural Solano County, in 2012 a developer sells the 1,500-acre “Rockville Trails” property to the Solano Land Trust, preserving some of the most precious open space in the County. (Green Valley Landowners Assn. v. Solano County.)
Cutting Edge Recycling and Composting Requirements
Photo Credit: Lisa Fotios, Pexels Years before state law requirements, the firm assists the Alameda County Waste Management Authority (WMA) in 2009 to pass an ordinance encouraging composting by prohibiting the disposal of plant debris in containers with garbage. In 2012, the firm assists the WMA in drafting and implementing an ordinance requiring recycling and […]
SMW Works With StopWaste.Org to Draft One of First Countywide Plastic Bag Bans
In 2012, the firm assists the Alameda County Waste Management Authority in drafting, preparing the EIR for, and implementing a countywide ban on single-use plastic bags in grocery stores. The ban is later expanded to include all retail establishments as well.
SMW Protects Parks and Greenbelt Along San Joaquin River
The firm successfully challenges in court Fresno County’s approval of 5,000 homes adjacent to the San Joaquin River Parkway. The firm is then able to negotiate a settlement that forces the developer to mitigate its project’s impacts on the parks and other public resources within the Parkway. (San Joaquin Parkway and Conservation Trust v. County […]
Protecting California’s Redwood Forests
In 2011 the firm begins representing Save the Redwoods League, the premier organization that has protected California redwood forests for more than a century. SMW assists the League in purchasing forests and surrounding lands and conservation easements. SMW is working with the League and its partners to acquire permits for a new National and State […]
SMW Sues to Force County to Implement Voter Initiative
The firm prevails in a lawsuit forcing Solano County to comply with Measure E, an initiative that prohibits the importation of solid waste into the County’s landfills. (Sierra Club v. Solano County (2011).)
Quarry Transformed into Park
The firm advises the City of Saratoga in acquiring a former quarry to be redeveloped as a park subject to a conservation easement and in subsequent park planning and operations. The park opens in 2015 and in 2020 the City opens a trail providing access to Sanborn County Park and, from there, to open space […]