SMW Supports the Karuk Tribe in State’s First Cultural Burning Agreement
Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger Partner Sara Clark has for several years supported Tribal efforts to put more “good fire” on the ground in California. For millennia, Indigenous North Americans have used fire for ceremonial purposes, to manage and produce food, fiber, and medicine, and to manage the landscape for protection against larger, uncontrolled wildfires.
Where We Go From Here: Local and State Efforts to Decarbonize Buildings After California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley
After the Ninth Circuit found that federal law preempted the City of Berkeley’s natural gas ban, cities and counties around the State are crafting innovative measures to continue addressing the carbon emissions from buildings. Updated State building codes will also promote decarbonization efforts.
Update on Statewide November 2024 Ballot Measures
Californians once again showed a healthy appetite for using bond funding to address some of the state’s most pressing challenges, but they were selective in what they approved. Read about the outcomes of statewide ballot measures that were on the November ballot that had the potential to change the financial and regulatory landscape for public agencies.
New Report Calls for Transformational Change in Our Relationship to and Stewardship of Fire
Photo: Analisa burning with a pitch stick. Photo credit: Alex Watts-Tobin Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger partner Sara A. Clark is lead author on a new report, Good Fire II, that addresses barriers to the expansion of cultural burning and prescribed fire in the United States and provides recommended solutions. Good Fire II builds on the original Good […]
Building Decarbonization Update: Local Governments in California Consider Strategies to Reduce Natural Gas Use in Buildings
Following up on the October 2019 and February 2020 editions of In the Public Interest, this article provides an update regarding strategies proposed by several cities and counties to encourage or require existing buildings to go all-electric.
Mid-Cycle 2022 CALGreen Building Code Update Re: Changes Coming in 2023 to State Energy Code and Green Building Standards
California Building Standards Commission adopts updates to electric vehicle charging requirements for new multifamily buildings Since we first wrote about the latest Energy Code and energy-related CALGreen updates that went into effect statewide in January 2023, some additional important updates have been made to CALGreen. Following this regular triannual update, the California Building Standards Commission […]
Tribes, Agencies, Other Experts Collaborate on Wildfire Mitigation Strategies
From the deadly conflagration in Hawaii to the toxic smoke blanketing the East Coast, this year’s wildland fires have driven home the reality that wildfires are a huge and growing threat. In response to this national crisis, in 2021 President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law created the federal Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission, which has just released its final report.
Putting the Action Back in CAPs: Best Practices for Updating Climate Action Plans to Align With Statewide Climate Goals
Climate Action Plans are critical to addressing climate change, but many are overdue for an update. With new comprehensive guidance from the California Air Resources Board, there’s no time like the present.
Sara Clark Leads Panel Discussion at Yosemite Environmental Law Conference About Beneficial Fire
At the fall 2022 Environmental Law Conference, SMW partner Sara Clark moderated a panel titled “Restoring Beneficial Fire in California.” The conference, sponsored by the California Lawyers Association, is held every year at Yosemite National Park. Panel participants Lenya Quinn-Davidson, Craig Thomas, and Don Hankins discussed the history of fire exclusion in California and the […]
LA Times Op-Ed: Why Forest Managers Need to Team Up with Indigenous Fire Practitioners
SMW attorney Sara A. Clark co-authored an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times calling for increased support for beneficial fires, especially in partnership with Indigenous fire practitioners, and for an update to our national approach to wildfire management. The partnership between cultural fire practitioners and western scientists, which Clark is facilitating, calls for change […]