All-Electric Reach Code Reduces New Construction’s Carbon Footprint in Cupertino
In 2019 the firm drafts, and advises the City of Cupertino in adopting, one of the first all-electric reach codes, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint of new construction that might otherwise be served by natural gas.
SMW Serves as City Attorney for Cupertino
The firm begins serving as the City Attorney’s Office for the City of Cupertino in February 2019 with Heather Minner serving as the City Attorney.
Half Moon Bay Adopts Minimum Wage Ordinance
With the firm’s assistance, the City of Half Moon Bay in 2019 becomes the 50th city in the nation to adopt a local minimum wage ordinance.
SMW Serves as General Counsel to Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District
The firm begins serving as General Counsel to the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District in 2019.
Firearm Storage Ordinance Approved
The firm advises the City of Saratoga in 2018 in adopting an ordinance regulating the storage of firearms in the home.
Half Moon Bay Voters Adopt First of Its Kind Cannabis Nursery Ordinance
In 2018, Half Moon Bay voters consider five cannabis measures, including a first-of-its-kind cannabis nursery ordinance drafted by the firm. The nursery ordinance and related tax measure pass.
SMW Serves Half Moon Bay as City Attorney
In 2017 the firm is selected to serve as the City Attorney of Half Moon Bay.
SMW Works With StopWaste.Org to Draft One of First Countywide Plastic Bag Bans
In 2012, the firm assists the Alameda County Waste Management Authority in drafting, preparing the EIR for, and implementing a countywide ban on single-use plastic bags in grocery stores. The ban is later expanded to include all retail establishments as well.
SMW Selected as Legal Counsel to Transbay Joint Powers Authority
In 2005 the firm is selected as legal counsel to the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA), the public agency charged with delivering a multi-modal transit hub in downtown San Francisco. The firm has been honored to serve as legal counsel to the agency for more than 15 years.