Streamlining Agency Operations with Electronic Signatures
Does your agency require “wet-ink” signatures on contracts, resolutions, or permit applications? In California, use of electronic signatures has been valid since 2000. With public agencies increasingly conducting business electronically during the COVID-19 pandemic, more are accepting and using e-signatures for certain official documents. Read on for an overview of the laws surrounding electronic signatures and for […]
The Public Doctrine, Climate Change, and the Coast
A new report from Stanford University’s Center for Ocean Solutions discusses the impact of sea level rise on the increasingly constrained California coast, and how the public trust doctrine can provide a framework for coastal adaptation through long-term planning and decision making. Authored by a working group of authorities on coastal land use and public […]
Stopping A Fire Trap at the Wildland-Urban Interface
Pressing claims under CEQA and the city’s own Code, the firm obtains an appellate victory in its challenge to the City of Brea’s approval of a residential subdivision in a fire-prone canyon abutting Chino Hills State Park. (Hills For Everyone v. OSLIC Holdings LLC (2017).)
SMW Defends Cap and Trade Auction
The firm represents the Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resources Defense Council as intervenors in successfully defending the state’s auction of greenhouse gas emission allowances under AB 32’s cap and trade program. (California Chamber of Commerce v. State Air Resources Board, 10 Cal. App. 5th 604 (2017).)
SMW Enforces Fairfield’s Urban Growth Boundary
On behalf of the Solano County Orderly Growth Committee, the firm successfully challenges Solano County’s approval of a large subdivision development proposed on lands serving as an important buffer between urban development and working farms and natural open space. The Project would have required water and sewer services from the City of Fairfield in contravention […]
San Onofre State Beach Permanently Saved From Toll Road
After years of challenging the 16-mile Foothill-South Toll Road in court and administrative proceedings, including the largest public hearing in the Coastal Commission’s history, the firm helps a dozen environmental groups negotiate a settlement that permanently protects San Onofre State Beach and adjoining open space. (Calif. State Parks Fdn. v. Transportation Corridor Agency, 150 Cal.App.4th […]
SMW Authors Community Solar Policy Scorecard
The firm helps the Interstate Renewable Energy Council launch a Scorecard in 2017 to rank state policies for Community Solar, providing states with a guide for how to adopt progressive policies to ensure that all customers, including those in disadvantaged communities, have access to clean energy cost savings.
SMW Authors Report on Energy Storage Policies
On behalf of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, the firm drafts Charging Ahead, a major policy report that provides valuable guidance to state policymakers who are looking to encourage and enable the adoption of energy storage, which is key to achieving 100% clean energy goals.
SMW Authors Leading Guide to Hosting Capacity Analyses for Solar and Energy Storage
On behalf of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, the firm authors a guide for modernizing how renewable energy is integrated into the electric system. The paper, Optimizing the Grid: A Regulator’s Guide to Hosting Capacity Analyses for Distributed Energy Resources, is cited by virtually every state in the country that is seeking to modernize its […]
SMW Serves Half Moon Bay as City Attorney
In 2017 the firm is selected to serve as the City Attorney of Half Moon Bay.