Career Highlights
- Representing public agencies and nonprofits in regulatory proceedings before utility commissions across North America, with a focus on low-income rate issues, decarbonization policies, renewable energy, integrated resource planning, distribution system planning, hosting capacity analyses, and interconnection policies.
- Representing Seattle City Light in rate and tariff proceedings before the California Independent System Operator and Bonneville Power Administration; leading the development of policies regarding market power mitigation, resource adequacy, frequency response, day-ahead market design, interjurisdictional allocation methodologies, and carbon pricing.
- Drafting contracts for wholesale sales of energy, transmission, frequency response, operating reserves, and renewable energy credits.
- Leading the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission’s investigation into distributed generation cost shifts and rate design, the revision of rules regarding renewable portfolio and energy efficiency resource standards (WAC 480-109) and the interconnection of distributed generation facilities (WAC 480-108).
Community Service, Publications, and Recognitions
- Key Decisions for Hosting Capacity Analysis, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc., with Sky Stanfield and Matthew McKerley, September 2021.
- Data Validation for Hosting Capacity Analysis, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, with Adarsh Nagarajan, April 2022.
- Bowerman Energy Law Fellow.
- Best Brief for Appellee, National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition.
Bar Memberships
Member, Oregon State Bar and Washington State Bar; Mr. Zakai is not a member of the State Bar of California.
University of Oregon School of Law, JD, 2012
University of Michigan, BS, 2005
About Me
I enjoy biking around my home, wandering through the Cascade mountains, and brewing beer.